In commemoration of March 8, International Women's Day, MiCrédito organized an activity for its female employees in which Verónica Herrera, General Manager, shared a message with all of them through a video call, where she emphasized: "MiCrédito is an organization whose DNA is really to empower women, we should feel happy to be in an organization where our rights support us."
MiCrédito maintains its commitment to women since 73% of its Nicaragua and Costa Rica employees are women, 79% occupy leadership positions, and 53% of its client portfolio are women.
In addition, as part of this recognition, MiCrédito gave them a gift and shared a dinner with each employee from the different branches and its Head Office. "We are very grateful for the detail, the gift is very nice, the fact of taking us into account and being aware of each celebration, and we thank the institution," said Junieth Sequeria, Head of the MiCredito Juigalpa.