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BAC Debit Card and Savings Account

MiCrédito has teamed up with Banco America Central (BAC) to offer clients a MiCrédito loan through a BAC bank account; providing clients the access to the BAC network of ATMs and Branches, along with a safe place to save money for their businesses and the future.


Standard and Rural Credits Requirements

  • Offered to owners of micro and small businesses in the following sectors: services, commercial, industrial, agricultural and cattle-ranching.

  • Businesses need to have a minimum of 12 months of operating history.

  • Business owners need to be older than 21 years of age and younger than 66 years.

  • Business owners must reside in an area around one of MiCrédito’s branch offices.

  • Business owners must be in possession of a Nicaraguan Identification Card.

  • Business owners must have a photocopy of the business registration certificate (if in possession of one)


Conditions for Loans

  • Terms depend on the type of business activity;

  • Guarantees assets and collateral up to 1.5 times the loan amount;

  • Mortgage guarantees may be required in the case of loans greater than US$10,000;

  • Loans range from US$100 to US$20,000;

  • Payments in accordance to the borrower’s capacity to pay.


For Salaried Staff Credits

A previous agreement signed between MiCrédito and the company of the salaried employee making the credit request, is required. Other requirements: a Nicaragua Identification Card, a wage guarantee and an INSS guarantee.

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