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Employees at X Central American and Caribbean Microfinance Conference

Writer's picture: MiCrédito MiCrédito

MiCrédito awarded more than 25 employees: Loan Officers, Cashiers, Customer Service, Branch Managers, Head Office staff, and Management Team of Nicaragua and Costa Rica, to be part of the X Central American and Caribbean Microfinance Conference under the theme "Resilience and reactivation of inclusive finance in the new reality." The event was held from March 20 to 23 in Antigua, Guatemala.

One of the objectives of this meeting is academic training; therefore, employees learned about topics of Digital Transformation, Innovation, Customer Experience, Migration, Green Microfinance, Gender Equity, and other current topics; these panels were in charge of 80 experts working in microfinance from different parts of the world.

For their part, MiCrédito's collaborators offered messages of gratitude for the opportunity and the learning they received during three days. Maryuri Urroz, Estelí branch Manager, commented, "I am very grateful to MiCrédito because it is very interested in training its employees.

Likewise, Scarleth Ocón, Client Integral Advisor expressed that "MiCrédito is an institution that supports women, the care of the environment and at the same time contribute to the enrichment of its collaborators." Attendance at the X Central American and Caribbean Microfinance Conference demonstrates, once again, MiCrédito's commitment to the integral growth of all its employees and to providing the best to its clients.

MiCrédito's Moments at X Microfinance Conferences

  • MiCrédito sponsored the X Central American and Caribbean Microfinance Conference under the theme "Resilience and reactivation of inclusive finance in the face of the new reality."

  • MiCrédito was one of the six Cerise+SPTF-certified institutions in Client Protection in Latin America, recognized at the X Central American and Caribbean Microfinance Conference.

  • MiCrédito was part of the informative stands that shared the institution's impact in Nicaragua and Costa Rica.

  • Verónica Herrera, CEO of MiCrédito was a panelist at the conference "Inclusive Finance Facing Migration" with Claude Clodomir, Country Director Haiti MEDA, Ricardo García, Financial Inclusion Specialist IFC and Leonardo Briner, General Manager, Agencias Briner SpA.

  • Management Team and Board Members participated in different business roundtables with funders, strategic allies, and future funders whose mission is to change the quality of life of micro-entrepreneurs, farmers, and youth in Central America.

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